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MANAGER: James Ryan
(Actor/Director/Casting Director)

Songs of Peace: The World's Biggest Anthology of Contemporary Poetry 2020


Lee-ann was born in South Africa. She lived in London from the age of 24 and she and her family immigrated to Australia in 2004. Unfortunately, she was faced with an Australian immigration battle that lasted 7 years and went to Ministerial Intervention in 2018 (after having 28 days to leave Australia in 2014, not being able to see her 4 children for 4 years), and the Minister's decision in 2021 was not in Lee-ann's favour, as she did not have the astronomical funds to apply for a Contributory Parent Visa after Home Affairs had placed her on a bridging visa in 2019, with no work rights, which left her in financial hardship and homeless.


Lee-ann was forced to leave her children for a second time in July 2021, and  now lives in London.


Lee-ann's passion for raw and ‘real’ writing was born from childhood trauma. She listens to the soul, and writes from the heart. All her work is deep and meaningful exuding insight or touching on injustice, mental health and valuable life lessons. Being a Scorpio she is not afraid to delve into the darker side of human nature and human psyche because where most fear to go, she sees creation and beauty.


Lee-ann started her creative career in 2019 after being placed on the 'no work' visa condition. To date she has published 5 novels. When she started her creative career, she never had the luxury of her own 'safe place' or office to write and create, but she persevered against all odds using equipment that didn't work properly, most times on 'high alert' not having anywhere to call 'home'.


During this time she also taught herself how to write screenplays. To date she has written 1 short, is near completion of 6 features, and she has started 1 play. Her next 5 novels are also near completion and will hopefully be published in 2024.


Lee-ann creates all her own Book Trailers, Pitch Decks, and family videos.


When all is said and done, however, Lee-ann is spirited and down-to-earth like the African wilderness with a desire to write fulltime, and a dream of wanting to advocate and change lives with her words and personal experience, and would love the opportunity to work with Ms Angelina Jolie. In the future she would like to be a Voice for abused children; to instil within them that they are enough, and to never give up on themselves or their dreams.

In 2007 I began a painful journey of healing my childhood sexual abuse. I underwent 4 years of intensive psychotherapy, during which time I was sectioned and admitted to 16 psychiatric admissions for complex PTSD, Dissociative Identity Disorder - Otherwise Unknown, Borderline Personality Disorder, Schizoeffective Disorder, and severe self-harm...In 2010 I spent 2 days in Resus after a serious overdose...Even during my bleakest hours, I fought to get better for my children.

I wrote this in 2020 after the Australian Human Rights commission decided that my case wasn’t severe enough to constitute any change - I was homeless, due to being incorrectly placed on a ‘No Work’ Visa condition…How bad does it have to get? I suppose they might have paid attention, if there had been a body…Or maybe not. FAIR GO AUSTRALIA! I survived, and now, I’m unbreakable!


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